# 0585 Pleaser
You can buy a burger for $5, you can experience one for $50. There are those who would never splash out on a fifty dollar burger and there are those who would not blink an…
You can buy a burger for $5, you can experience one for $50. There are those who would never splash out on a fifty dollar burger and there are those who would not blink an…
It’s the little things you should pay attention to. These are the things that make you stand out from the other 98%. The biscotti with your coffee, the thank you note, the attention do detail…
Communicate what you can do, then do as you say. Telling me what I want to hear and then not delivering on that promise will lead to mistrust. Actions ultimately speak louder than words.
The difference between good and great can be subtle but powerful. The barista that takes care of each and every cup, the chef that sources the best local produce. The service provider that smiles no…
If you have a (genuine) budget below what your provider quotes you on, you must be willing to compromise. Expecting the same or more is irrational and never ends well. Work with the parties on…
Prospects will consciously ignore you. There is too much going on in anyone’s life to be able to pay attention to everything that is thrown at us. So by design, we are programmed to ignore…
I am confused. You say one thing and do another. Your stated company ethos and values do not match your actions. Culture is built on everyday behaviours, not your mission statement. Humans notice.
Who are you doing this for? Classic response is, for my family, for my customers yada yada. That is honourable and everything but it does not translate unless you do it for yourself first. Good…
Bogged down in red tape? As an enterprise gets bigger it is natural to place additional checks and balances to ensure continuity. Many do so at the expense of what got them there, speed and…
Technically, you can feed an infinite number of people with a single pizza. The more slices you cut however diminishes the amount each person gets to a point it may as well be zero. How…
Try singing the alphabet song out aloud skipping every second letter… a, c, e… I wager two things, it sounded clunky and disjointed, and you silently sang the in-between letters in your head anyway. Now…
For the love of all things, please review your use of the word “we”. Your website, your proposals, your marketing. The more you talk about yourself, the less relatable you become. It is not about…
The best food in the world can be overshadowed by poor service. Maya Angelou quoted: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget…
The steak did not match the sizzle. I have lost count of the times someone has mentioned to me that they were disappointed at what they got vs what they were promised (from other vendors…
What happened to common decency? Please, thank you, replying to emails in an acceptable time-frame, turning up on time, turning up at all, doing as you say you are going to, being aware of your…
How many ‘yeahbuts’ do you have in yours? Whenever I get invited in to help organisations streamline their communication I generally find a combination of two extremes. In some areas they neglect to communicate at…
It has been documented to death. Whenever we have a problem or need to learn something fast, we invariably turn to Google for the answer. A quick search will uncover many thousands of ‘”how to”…
Most struggle with it. Receiving feedback is challenging. How do you not take it personally? Detachment. As a business, detaching yourself from the emotion of the words and focusing on the outcome in service of…
All he had to do was get it back to me and the sale was his. I recently engaged with a service provider who pitched me on a monthly service for my business. The pitch…
It is easy to ignore this when you are busy growing a business but at some point it comes back to bite. When reviewing systems and processes I look for the desired outcome first, then…