#0102 Write for ONE Person, Attract MANY
I can’t tell you the number of websites I’ve visited, brochures I’ve been handed and presentations I’ve ENDURED. Sadly, a vast majority of them I walk away none the wiser as to WHAT they actually…
I can’t tell you the number of websites I’ve visited, brochures I’ve been handed and presentations I’ve ENDURED. Sadly, a vast majority of them I walk away none the wiser as to WHAT they actually…
It’s EASY to forget that your Customers experience with you and your Business can have such a long lasting affect on Repeat Business, Word of Mouth Referrals, Perception, the amount they will pay and what…
Don’t TELL me about Bits and Bytes. I’m NOT interested in Bells and Whistles. Don’t BORE me with irrelevant details. I JUST want to know what you can do for ME We tend to get…
I HATE being sold to by someone who knows nothing of my NEEDS. Cold Callers, First Meetings with Providers, even walking into Stores where people immediately TRY and sell. DON’T Assume you know what we…
Like pretty much everything in Business, we expect a direct MEASURABLE return on our investment whether it be from our Money or TIME. It has been DRUMMED into us from the beginning. We AGONISE over…
What happened to it? I remember the days when I’d walk into a store and they were actually HAPPY to see me, as if they had been WAITING all day for my arrival. I’m talking about…
For most Small Businesses it’s difficult to truly DIFFERENTIATE ourselves from the masses. Most Product and Services tend to BLEND into the crowd. Sure we give GREAT service, sure we go the extra mile but…
Employees tend to HERD together when it comes to emotion and sentiment. One misguided sheep can DRAG the whole mob down. You’ll most likely find that if EMPLOYEE morale is down, it will stem from…
As a Small Business Owner I have been guilty of trying to SELL to anyone who crosses my path. I didn’t care who, what or where. I just wanted to CONVINCE them that they needed…
Nobody LIKES to fail but is it really this that is holding you back from MAKING decisions and taking action? I would hazard a guess that you are MORE fearful of what people will think…
If you can ANTICIPATE what your Customers next need/want is, AND you can provide this to them before they ask, then you have reached the HOLY GRAIL of Customer Service. It doesn’t have to be…
Has this happened to you? This morning I was sitting at a coffee shop having a meeting with a colleague, the waitress was QUICK to take our order but didn’t notice that we HADN’T received…