Feeding Frenzy
Technically, you can feed an infinite number of people with a single pizza. The more slices you cut however diminishes the amount each person gets to a point it may as well be zero. How…
Technically, you can feed an infinite number of people with a single pizza. The more slices you cut however diminishes the amount each person gets to a point it may as well be zero. How…
If you struggle to articulate what you do concisely, you are spread too thin. Too many products, channels, platforms, audiences, desires. When you start, start wide, find your groove quickly, then go deep. Better to…
“Let’s do this” is so much more fun than “no”. Invariably leading to an experience, good, bad or indifferent. Experience is how you grow. An idea is worthless until you give it a crack. Giving…
There is a place for minimum viable product. Do the least amount reasonable to get to market quickly and see what works and is wanted. Taking that into every aspect of delivery however is littered…
Having DIY’d a ton of my own video over the years and I have come leaps and bounds, or so I thought until I recently worked with a professional videographer. My efforts pale when compared….
Try singing the alphabet song out aloud skipping every second letter… a, c, e… I wager two things, it sounded clunky and disjointed, and you silently sang the in-between letters in your head anyway. Now…
There is a dangerous stage in business referred to as the “Trough of Disillusionment”. It is the period of time where you realise business is not all rainbows and lollypops but you are not sure…
We need to get better at calling it out. Workplace intimidation, racism, misogyny, gaslighting, bullying, any and all inappropriate behaviour, the lot. The more we bring it up, the less tolerated it will become. We…
It is not the story itself, it is the meaning and raw emotion it conjures up. When you consider about a story to share, pay attention to how it makes you feel. Happy, sad, motivated…
What about the rest of the list? If you are always ticking off the top three on your priority list, you will end up with a really long list of other things that never get…
Can you afford the 120 hours it will take to get it done? Most of you will say no, too busy to find that much time. What if I told you that is just 20…
For the love of all things, please review your use of the word “we”. Your website, your proposals, your marketing. The more you talk about yourself, the less relatable you become. It is not about…
Amateurs choke if people are looking on and the stakes are high. Professionals ignore the noise and focus on what is important. In either scenario, they could do without the added pressure of an audience….
It will probably make you cringe. Look back at your first brochure, your first powerpoint deck, your first blog, your first video. If you pushed through you will have improved, probably dramatically. If you had…
There is a tv series called Alone, shot in extremely isolated regions of the world where contestants are dropped off separately from each other to fend for themselves with nothing but 10 items they carried…
The best food in the world can be overshadowed by poor service. Maya Angelou quoted: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget…
Who is in charge here? If there is not a clear owner or ultimate decision maker then there will be blood in the ring. Alpha personalities fighting it out or the quiet missing out. In…
The steak did not match the sizzle. I have lost count of the times someone has mentioned to me that they were disappointed at what they got vs what they were promised (from other vendors…
I bet you have a few well intentioned jobs on your to-do list you are reluctant to begin. I wanted to build some shelves for my storage room but before that I needed to paint…
What if you gave it away for free? If you find yourself in a commodity market, being compared purely by the lowest cost, try bundling that with a high priced (high profit) item and include…