Running Out Of Excuses
We needed the tools to be successful but they were expensive and out of reach for many. Now the tools are cheap or free. We lacked the skillset of the in demand few to build…
We needed the tools to be successful but they were expensive and out of reach for many. Now the tools are cheap or free. We lacked the skillset of the in demand few to build…
Why do couriers always seem to come when you are in the shower? Now this isn’t true by a long shot but that is the one you remember. Also true for the disaster on your…
You can buy a burger for $5, you can experience one for $50. There are those who would never splash out on a fifty dollar burger and there are those who would not blink an…
There are two types of busy. Those who are constantly busy keeping up with their to-do list and onto the next. Then there are those who recognise that doing is only part of the equation,…
Everything started as hand crafted by many until industrialisation kicked in when everything became mass produced by a few key players. We then craved the hand made and sites like Etsy took off. You can…
30 minute meals my ass. Timing is everything when it comes to cooking. What to do when can be the difference between a 2 hour disaster and a 30 minute masterpiece. A master can serve…
Any action requires effort.Effort consumes energy. There are some things that use your energy to keep you alive and you have no control over.Then there is the energy you get to decide how it is…
My 18 year old daughter hosted a pool party this summer for a bunch of her girlfriends. For the most part, it was the sound of music blasting in the background and a dozen voices…
Have you noticed the theory of relativity in action. It takes forever to catchup to the car in front on the freeway yet when you pass, it disappear quickly behind you. Same theory works in…
So you think you have a million dollar idea, so best to keep it a secret…wrong. Ideas are easy, execution is hard. Seriously, no-one is likely to steal your idea no matter how awesome you…
It’s the little things you should pay attention to. These are the things that make you stand out from the other 98%. The biscotti with your coffee, the thank you note, the attention do detail…
Listening rather than talking.Asking more, telling less.Being opened and not closed minded.Positivity in preference to negativity.Smiling over scowling. These are the traits I now look for in others, but also a reminder to emanate them…
A deep insight from a good friend… “On many days, I wake up with largely the same thoughts, thereby triggering largely the same emotions, thereby driving the same behaviours, thereby creating the same experiences day…
Communicate what you can do, then do as you say. Telling me what I want to hear and then not delivering on that promise will lead to mistrust. Actions ultimately speak louder than words.
In any team sport there are rules of engagement and clearly marked boundaries of which you are either in-bounds or you are not. The rules are documented and understood by both parties before play begins,…
What you carry slows you down. Letting go is often hard but an essential step for progress. That idea that did not pan out, the toxic relationship, the stuff you bought but never use. It…
You know that relief you get when you reach the top and you know you can catch a breath on the downhill. It feels exponentially easier as you prepare for the next ascent. Have big…
The difference between good and great can be subtle but powerful. The barista that takes care of each and every cup, the chef that sources the best local produce. The service provider that smiles no…
As a business your ability to sell is directly proportional to your circle of influence. Good quality meetings is often where it begins and doing that consistently is challenge for many. Sounds obvious but the…
Consider how you start your day. Jumping straight into emails and meetings is typically followed by more of the same. You know that thing on your list that never seems to get done. Do that…