#0582 Manipulating Time
30 minute meals my ass. Timing is everything when it comes to cooking. What to do when can be the difference between a 2 hour disaster and a 30 minute masterpiece. A master can serve…
30 minute meals my ass. Timing is everything when it comes to cooking. What to do when can be the difference between a 2 hour disaster and a 30 minute masterpiece. A master can serve…
You know that relief you get when you reach the top and you know you can catch a breath on the downhill. It feels exponentially easier as you prepare for the next ascent. Have big…
Consider how you start your day. Jumping straight into emails and meetings is typically followed by more of the same. You know that thing on your list that never seems to get done. Do that…
Who are you doing this for? Classic response is, for my family, for my customers yada yada. That is honourable and everything but it does not translate unless you do it for yourself first. Good…
The shortest distance between where you are and where you want to be is not determined by how fast you go, but by how well you navigate the obstacles in your path. Rarely is the…
Technically, you can feed an infinite number of people with a single pizza. The more slices you cut however diminishes the amount each person gets to a point it may as well be zero. How…
There is a place for minimum viable product. Do the least amount reasonable to get to market quickly and see what works and is wanted. Taking that into every aspect of delivery however is littered…
Amateurs choke if people are looking on and the stakes are high. Professionals ignore the noise and focus on what is important. In either scenario, they could do without the added pressure of an audience….
If you have pure conviction you are on the right path then proceed with gusto and by all means dig your heels in. For the most part, be open to ideas, listen to perspective, seek…
Something was off. For six months, they had held onto something which they had misconstrued the intent.There are always three sides to a story, yours, theirs and the truth. Problem is, unless you record everything,…
Just because you disrespect your time, does not give to the right to disrespect others. If you are in the habit of turning up late, canceling last minute, running long, you should take a moment…
The list never gets shorter. Whenever I find myself ticking a few things off the to-do list I will invariably add a few more while I am there. To manage the never ending lists (business…
“Festina Lente” is a fabulous Italian saying meaning to “Make haste, slowly”. Meaning to set tiny, short-term goals. Don’t try and accomplish everything all at once. An ethos I seem to naturally adhere to. Completing…
There is always a pull between managing and doing. Sometimes we must check in, comprehend, delegate, guide, question, approve. Other times we must simply do. If I spread my managing meetings throughout the day, I…
What don’t you understand? If you find yourself frustrated with others, it is likely you are not attuned to what is going on with them. In your head it is obvious, but to them them…
Your to-do list looks different to mine. My order of priority is unlikely to be yours. Clients will have their own. Just because it is urgent for you, does not make it so for others….
Talking to a mate about the notion of retirement. It seems that employees want nothing more than to work through to retirement and call it a day. Entrepreneurial types however cannot think of anything worse….
Just finished a three month major internal project. The easy thing to do would be to pat myself on the back and take a well deserved break. Instead I took a moment to celebrate the…
You will suck at it. No-one is born a master at anything. Hell, humans are the most useless of all creatures at birth. We crawl before we walk, mumble before we speak and often crash…
Most struggle with it. Receiving feedback is challenging. How do you not take it personally? Detachment. As a business, detaching yourself from the emotion of the words and focusing on the outcome in service of…