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It’s the little things you should pay attention to. These are the things that make you stand out from the other 98%. The biscotti with your coffee, the thank you note, the attention do detail…
It’s the little things you should pay attention to. These are the things that make you stand out from the other 98%. The biscotti with your coffee, the thank you note, the attention do detail…
Listening rather than talking.Asking more, telling less.Being opened and not closed minded.Positivity in preference to negativity.Smiling over scowling. These are the traits I now look for in others, but also a reminder to emanate them…
A deep insight from a good friend… “On many days, I wake up with largely the same thoughts, thereby triggering largely the same emotions, thereby driving the same behaviours, thereby creating the same experiences day…
Communicate what you can do, then do as you say. Telling me what I want to hear and then not delivering on that promise will lead to mistrust. Actions ultimately speak louder than words.
In any team sport there are rules of engagement and clearly marked boundaries of which you are either in-bounds or you are not. The rules are documented and understood by both parties before play begins,…
What you carry slows you down. Letting go is often hard but an essential step for progress. That idea that did not pan out, the toxic relationship, the stuff you bought but never use. It…
You know that relief you get when you reach the top and you know you can catch a breath on the downhill. It feels exponentially easier as you prepare for the next ascent. Have big…
The difference between good and great can be subtle but powerful. The barista that takes care of each and every cup, the chef that sources the best local produce. The service provider that smiles no…
As a business your ability to sell is directly proportional to your circle of influence. Good quality meetings is often where it begins and doing that consistently is challenge for many. Sounds obvious but the…
Consider how you start your day. Jumping straight into emails and meetings is typically followed by more of the same. You know that thing on your list that never seems to get done. Do that…
Rarely is there only one way. One choice, one method, one right answer. The feeling of being cornered can be debilitating when your answer may not be obvious. An excuse to slow down or worse,…
If you have a (genuine) budget below what your provider quotes you on, you must be willing to compromise. Expecting the same or more is irrational and never ends well. Work with the parties on…
Having spent just a few days off grid, you realise that most of the day to day communication forced upon you is just noise. Adding almost no value but robbing you of time and focus….
How urgent is it really. Leaving it to the last minute will always increase the stress and urgency of any task. Chasing the ball is exhausting, yet anticipating where it will be makes it look…
It happens year after year. The holiday season creeps up on us like it is a big surprise. Either desperately attempting to finish things off or delaying them until the new year. Reappearing in January…
Prospects will consciously ignore you. There is too much going on in anyone’s life to be able to pay attention to everything that is thrown at us. So by design, we are programmed to ignore…
I prefer not to work for clients. Working for, implies an exchange of service for money. When I work with a client, the exchange is so much more fulfilling than just cash. When true collaboration…
If you study anyone successful in their field of expertise they have these in common. Practice and determination. They will have failed more times than they can count, but they always get up and go…
I am confused. You say one thing and do another. Your stated company ethos and values do not match your actions. Culture is built on everyday behaviours, not your mission statement. Humans notice.
You just undid all the good work. Sure, you can narrow in on the one thing that didn’t go to plan. Beat yourself up over what you did or did not do. Ignoring the multitude…