#0036 Actions Speak LOUDER than Words

The difference I see between SUCCESSFUL Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who barely make a living is ACTION.

There are those who work IN their Business trying hard to keep UP and then there are those who MAKE time to work ON their Business. The latter tend to keep GROWING and take bold steps TOWARD success.


As a Small Business owner, my view is one of Thirds;

  • a third of your time in the Business (Operational)
  • a third of your time growing your Business (Sales and Marketing)
  • a third of your time improving your Business (Strategy)

I know some of you are thinking there’s NO WAY you have time.

My question to you is, are you happy with your current position (as in size and PROFIT) or are you stuck in a rutt?

If you are in a RUTT, then you can choose to stay there or make some CHANGES:

  • Start SMALL (but start). Allocate say 10% of your time on Strategy and increase it each month till you hit at least 30 %
  • FIND the time to do so by looking at delegation, automation, outsourcing or process IMPROVEMENT.
  • Get yourself a MENTOR or ACCOUNTABILITY buddy to help push you along.
  • Set specific goals to acheive with DEADLINES (even if there aren’t any)

TAKE ACTION or settle for mediocre.

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