#0010 WEALTH or WAGE?

Have you created an Asset worth something or have you created a wage (or less) for yourself?

Most of us go into business with a FABULOUS set of goals in mind often including wealth, freedom and flexibility. The tragedy is that most end up creating a job for themselves and end up earning a wage or WORSE, less than a regular wage.

The signs are usually obvious such as, my take home share is all that I ever get or my take home divided by the hours I work is no better than working for someone else.

Other sure signs are;

  • I can’t leave the business for a second before things start to fall apart.
  • I can’t afford to do the things I want and don’t know how to change that position.
  • I work too many hours to keep on top of things.
  • I always feel stressed and out of control.
  • If I sold my business today what is it truly worth? Is it worth more than last year? Is it worth more than the stock you carry, fixtures and fitting etc?
  • Could I go on holiday for a good break and be confident it will run without me?

Did you go into business to work harder than ever for less? Not likely..

If you feel like you are working for a wage and not building a TRUE ASSET worth something that gives you the wealth, freedom and flexibility you set out to achieve then NOW is as good a time than any to do something about it.

Here are a few starting points to try:

  1. Re-evaluate what it is you want from being an Entrepreneur. Write a list.
  2. Ask yourself what you are doing toward reaching those goals and how often.
  3. Apologise to yourself for not spending enough time and energy on specific tasks that lead to the goals (and then forgive yourself as you are not alone)
  4. Now allocate appropriate timeslots in your week (every week) to actions that directly lead to achieving your goals.

Don’t try and change yourself over night but needless to say, YOU GOTTA CHANGE or you’ll always be working for a wage.

I know I keep harping on about CHANGING YOURSELF but true wealth and wisdom come to those who are constantly, changing, improving, learning and ADAPTING.

What have you done today to get that ONE STEP CLOSER to your goals?


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