Like pretty much everything in Business, we expect a direct MEASURABLE return on our investment whether it be from our Money or TIME.
It has been DRUMMED into us from the beginning.
We AGONISE over the effort vs the return but in my opinion, Social Media is more about ADDING value such as using it as a channel for Customer Service RATHER than a direct selling tool.
Think of it more like the Bank Manager opening the door for you and SMILING (yes this used to happen once) rather than the faceless bank trying to forceĀ SELL you their investment options out in the street.
Here are some POTENTIAL “Business” uses:
- Listen out and (HELPFULLY) respond to people complaining about you or your brand.
- Listen out and (HELPFULLY) respond to people complaining about your COMPETITORS.
- Provide USEFUL information and Tips.
- Go the EXTRA Mile to show you actually care.
- Interact and PERSONALIZE whenever possible.
- Get to KNOW your Customers by listening to what, where, how they go about their day.
Social Media is evolving and GROWING at light speed. If you haven’t already, make sure you have at LEAST a couple of Social Media voices and determine how this medium can help grow/improve your Business.
STOP concerning yourself with the ROI and use it Strategically as another Customer Service Channel and…